We usually have a craft at the in-person Annual Achievement Awards, so we hope our participants can enjoy one of the three crafts listed below!

Coffee Filter Snowflakes


Coffee Filters
Bowl of Water
Paint Brush
Food Coloring
Plastic mat or dinner plate to work on

Step 1
Lay out the coffee filter on your workstation. You’ll need a non-porous station to avoid staining, like a plastic mat, tray, or a dinner plate.

Step 2
Use the paint brush to wet your coffee filter until it lays flat.

Step 3
Drip 2 or 3 drops of food coloring onto the wet coffee filter. Run your paint brush through the colors to spread them out until your coffee filter is completely covered. We recommend only using two colors to avoid colors mixing into a brown.

Step 4
Let your coffee filters dry.

Step 5
When the coffee filters are dry, fold first in half, fold in half again, and then into thirds so that you have a long, thin, rounded triangle. Press firmly along crease.

Step 6
Using your scissors, cut any shapes you want into your filter. Once done, carefully unfold your snowflake and enjoy!

Turkey Treat Bags


Clear, disposable plastic glove
Either Reese’s Pieces OR multi-colored gold fish
Orange, red, and white paper (optional)

Step 1
Pop the popcorn.

Step 2
Fill the fingers of the gloves with your choice of colorful snack (Reese’s pieces or multi-colored goldfish). Leave the thumb empty.

Step 3
Fill the hand and thumb of the glove with the popcorn. Tie off the bottom of the glove to keep your snacks inside

Step 4
Cut out beak (orange), gobbler (red), and eyes (white) from the paper and glue onto the thumb, creating a small face. Alternatively, a marker can be used to draw the face.

Turkey Windsock


Toilet Paper Roll
Ribbons or Streamers
Yellow Paper or Foam
Red Pipe Cleaner
Feathers (optional)
Googly Eyes (optional)

If you would like your toilet paper roll to be a richer turkey brown, paint your roll first red, then brown before you start.

Step 1
Take a recycled toilet paper roll and glue feathers on the inside of the back end of the toilet paper roll, so that they can be seen at the top. (optional)

Step 2
Glue a piece ribbon across the top of the toilet paper roll so that you can hang your windsock. Make sure that the middle of the ribbon, once glued, is taller than your feathers.

Step 3
Cut ribbon or streams to hand out the bottom of the windsock. Glue them inside the tube at the bottom, making sure to place them evenly.

Step 4
Cut a small triangle out of the colored paper/foam for your beak. Shape the red pipe cleaner into the shape of a turkey gobbler.

Step 5
Glue beak and gobbler onto the tube. You can either use googly eyes or draw eyes above the beak finish your turkey’s face. Let dry, hang, and enjoy!

Villa Esperanza Services
2116 E. Villa Street, Pasadena, CA 91107
Questions? Contact: Lindsey Harrison at LHarrison@VillaES.org or ‪(626) 449-2919, Ext. 162‬.