Dear Villa Friends,
We hope each of you is remaining healthy and safe. Villa's first priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of all our participants and staff. As the COVID-19 situation develops, we want to share with you how we are caring for our Villa community.
- To do our part to help reduce the spread of the virus, we made the decision to temporarily suspend all Villa School programs including speech and occupational therapy. Teachers are on campus or working from home, staying in touch with families and providing materials for students to engage in learning while at home.
- All three of our adult day programs are temporarily suspended. Again, we are reaching out to families, checking in and monitoring how everyone is doing.
- We are providing 24 hour care to all our adults living in our seven residential homes. In addition, Villa continues to provide in home services for clients in our Independent Living Skills programs, whether it's via phone or video conferencing.
- We have created an At Home Resources page on our website with resources of things to do while at home to help keep mind, body and spirits healthy.
- Families, for up to date status about programs and dates please visit our Coronavirus Program Updates page on our website.
- Our administration office is open, with some staff working from home. Program staff have been reassigned to work in other areas or are on temporary leave. We are updating and checking in with our staff every two weeks.
Villa is preparing for the moment we can welcome back all our students, adults and staff. With every day bringing a new challenge, we will continue to do our absolute best to safeguard the health of our clients and staff while still providing the support required by our individuals with special needs.
As we continue to care for our community, we ask that, if you are able, you please
consider making a donation. These funds will help us to care for the individuals with special needs that we are still serving now as well as all our clients when they are able return to programs.
We will continue to update you periodically on the status of our clients and staff. Thank you for being a part of our Villa community. We wish you all well.
With gratitude,
Kelly White
Chief Executive Officer
Villa Esperanza Services
Our Villa team is busy connecting and caring for ALL the individuals we serve, their families, our staff, and all those who support us. How Villa is caring for each person is different, but our mission of love, hope, and care remains at the forefront.
- Checking in with clients and families.
- Provide support and help whenever possible.
- Leadership is continuing to closely monitor the coronavirus (COVID-19) developments and has been working with county and state health officials to establish protocols for our services to focus on stopping the spread of COVID-19.
- Check out Villa's At Home Resources page to see some of the videos and tips from Villa's staff, as well as additional resources.
- All seven of Villa's Residential Homes have been converted to 24/7 care as Villa's residents quarantine at home.
- Staff and residents are practicing social distancing as much as possible.
- Residents are working on volunteer projects, such as making cards for local nursing homes.
- Staff are helping residents create schedules which include practiced life skills, entertainment, exercise, cooking, and more.
- Independent Living Skills (ILS) staff are using calls and FaceTime to make sure clients are washing hands and staying at home as much as possible.
- A client was out of bread and lived close to Manna, so staff helped him put the address in Google Maps and she guided him to Manna with Google's help. He was so proud that he managed to get there on his own.
- Staff has also pick up groceries at the market and Manna and dropped off at client’s doorstep.
- Staff have used FaceTime to play client’s favorite board games, Yahtzee and Scrabble, which helps to make sure they stay in the house.
- Online learning through and Class Dojo.
- Using YouTube videos to help specific students and augment lessons.
- Speech and OT Therapy tips for families to help stay engaged with their children.
- Teachers are calling families to check in on their children's progress.
- Villa's teachers and Behavioral, Speech, and OT therapists are all available for questions and concerns.