
January 10, 2023

Villa is now accepting new volunteers at this time. Please contact our Community Engagement Coordinator, Jordan Paggett, at JPaggett@VillaES.org or (626) 449-2919 ext. 162 for more information.


Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Villa! Volunteers are a vital part of Villa's day-to-day operations and we are grateful to all of our volunteers who donate their time to help. Each year, volunteers donate over 5,500 hours across Villa's programs, working directly with clients and helping in our administrative offices. Individuals and groups such as businesses, corporations, nonprofit organizations, charity groups, etc., are all welcome. If you are interested in volunteering, please scroll down for more information.

Volunteering at Villa - General Information

  • Volunteering Opportunities

  • Program Volunteers:
    Experience what Villa does first-hand by volunteering to work in one of our programs where you can add joy and meaning to the lives of Villa's individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities. Help adults and seniors at our Adult Day Programs with arts, crafts, exercise, music and other activities.

    Please note – Villa’s Occupational Therapy program is currently accepting volunteers in the OT Clinic on a first come first serve basis as space is limited. If you are interested in volunteering with our Occupational Therapists when all volunteer positions in the clinic are full, you will have the option to join a waitlist for the next available spot. Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator for more information.

    Program Volunteer Hours: Monday-Friday 9:30 am to 2:30 pm.
  • Improvement Projects:
    Special projects can be organized on our campus. Arrangements can be made via the Volunteer Coordinator. Good with a hammer, a saw, a brush, and/or a shovel? Villa is always looking for volunteers to help beautify our campus and residential homes. If your company, organization or other group is looking for a job to do as a team, then come on down and paint our buildings, plant some trees and flowers…the possibilities are endless! Eagle Scout, Girl Scout Gold and Silver Award, and senior projects are also welcome.

    Improvement Project Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. / Weekends upon request - Must be arranged in advance with the approval of Villa staff.
  • Clerical/Administrative Volunteers:
    Good with numbers, answering phones, filing, or are you computer savvy? Put your skills to good use by helping out in our administrative offices in Pasadena and Thousand Oaks! Volunteer hours are available in our Finance, Development, and Human Resources departments. Administrative Volunteer duties may include filing and organizing documents, assisting with copying and mailing documents, basic data entry, fundraising and grant research, hands-on creative projects for events, and assisting with Villa events.

    Administrative Volunteer Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
  • Volunteer Application Process

  • Read over the Volunteering Opportunities (left) to make sure volunteering at Villa is the right fit for you and/or your group.
  • Contact Community Engagement Coordinator, Jordan Paggett, at JPaggett@VillaES.org or Tel: (626) 449-2919 ext. 162 with your volunteer request. Jordan can also answer any questions you might have about volunteering, special projects, etc.
  • Once you have confirmed with Jordan, fill out a volunteer application.
  • Attend a Volunteer Orientation Session. Bring your completed application to the orientation where you will learn more about Villa and receive a tour of the organization.
  • After the orientation, you will work directly with the Villa program staff you have been placed with to schedule your volunteer hours.
Contact Us

 Villa Esperanza Services / 2116 E. Villa Street, Pasadena, CA 91107

Tel: (626) 449-2919 / Fax: (626) 449-2850


 Donate Today! Tax ID: 95-2148860

 Sign up for email updates!

 We're hiring! Click to join the Villa team.

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Core Values
Integrity, Courage, Respect, Innovation, Perseverance
Core Values
Integrity, Courage, Respect, Innovation, Perseverance