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We hope you will participate in Light It Up Blue and wear blue on April 2 in honor and support of individuals with autism!

What Is Light It Up Blue?

Light It Up Blue, also known as World Autism Awareness Day, kicks off Autism Awareness Month to help raise global awareness about the disorder which currently affects 1 in 59 children here in the United States.

The majority of the children at Villa Esperanza's school have moderate to severe autism and we also serve many adults with the disorder. Autism is a complex condition that affects a person's ability to communicate and develop social relationships. It is often accompanied by behavioral challenges. Participation in Light It Up Blue helps bring attention to autism and those affected by it.

We hope you will join us in wearing blue on April 2nd and all month long! Keep the conversation about autism going all throughout April, which is Autism Awareness Month. Thank you and we appreciate your support!

For more information about Light It Up Blue, visit the Autism Speaks website.

Light It Up Blue at Villa

Villa School Teacher Noah is proud to celebrate autism awareness with his high school class. “My students are so near and dear to my heart and this is where there’s a lot of need.”
Villa’s Employment Program participants Oscar, Denise, and Miguel (pictured left to right) are proud to shine a light on autism!
Los Angeles College of Music helped Villa Light It Up Blue! Two extremely talented musicians, Tulsi and Kira, performed at the Villa School Light It Up Blue Pep Rally.
Villa’s Community Integration Program (CIP) staff member Perla supports autism awareness because, “I’ve worked with people with autism for 10 years now and they are some of the best people. Light It Up Blue is good for those who don’t know the disorder to educate themselves and explore it.”
Villa School held a classroom door decorating competition for Light It Up Blue/World Autism Awareness Day. Congratulations to Classroom 2 for their winning design!
Villa School is spreading the word near and far: “We unite to shed light on autism!” Well said, Classroom 9!
An uplifting door design from Classroom 5!
Classroom 1’s students are soaring to new heights with this inspiring design!
Contact Us

 Villa Esperanza Services / 2116 E. Villa Street, Pasadena, CA 91107

Tel: (626) 449-2919 / Fax: (626) 449-2850


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